ODETTE RILEY has been crafting since the age of five.  Her mom taught her how to sew and quilt, and a second grade teacher got her interested in weaving. She built her own inkle loom and has been weaving bands for the last several years. She has found that figuring out how people make things helps her deal with ADD.  Her unique vision and wide variety of interests is clearly evident on her Facebook page: Oak Leaf Beads and Crafts.


CARD WEAVING:   Beginner and Beyond

Learn to weave a warp-faced band using a pack of four hole cards. These cards allow the weaver to manipulate individual warp threads and open up a whole new world of design. Card weaving is a great way to make decorative straps and edgings for woven, knitted and felted items.

 Students will learn to warp the loom and manipulate the cards to create different patterns, along with making the shed to pass the shuttle through, how to keep edges tidy and maintain tension. Previous weaving experience is not required, but if you have dabbled in this craft and want to improve your skills, this is a class for you.

Prerequisite skills:  None

Pre-class homework:  None

Students bring:

  • 12-24 cards (inexpensive on Amazon)

  • Pen

  • Scissors

  • #10 cotton in several colors (contact Odette at odette@skybest.com for info on threads)

  • Permanent marker

  • Large yarn stitch holder (needs to hold 12 cards with thread in them), large clip—

  • anything to hold or clamp your cards to keep them from slipping

  • Backstrap or inkle loom (the Fiber fest has looms available for use and purchase if you decide to continue weaving)

Materials fee:  $5 for patterns

Class duration:  4 hours

Instructor: Odette Riley

Date and time: Saturday, June 7, 2025, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Class fee:  $40.00

1 to10 students