VICTORIA ANDREWS loves fiber in all forms. She spends most of her free time knitting fanatically, felting, weaving and dyeing her own silk, fiber and yarns.   She has successfully sold her work online and at shows and fairs, but her greatest skill may be her ability to inspire her students.  It is great to have her back to teach felting at the Blue Ridge Fiber Fest.

Mosaic Felting —Intermediate

Take your nuno felting skills to the next level.  Learn to assemble pre-felted pieces into mosaics using embellished prefelts. This will enable you to create designs using shapes that are either abstract or naturalistic. (Flowers, leaves, birds).  It will open-up a whole new world of possibilities in nuno felting allowing the creation of incredible works of wearable art. 2 to 8 students.

 Prerequisite skills:  Some felting experience required

 Pre-class homework:  None

Instructor: Victoria Andrews

 Students bring:

  • A basin for water

  • Soap of their choice (Dawn dishwashing detergent is good)

  • Two bath towels

  • A sponge

  • Sharp scissors

Class fee:  $75.00

 Materials fee: $20.00

 Date and time:  Saturday, June 8, 2024, 9:00am to 4:30pm (lunch break)